7 Ideas and Benefits for Using Machine Learning for Your Business

Machine learning technology has made major advances in the last decade. Highly adaptable new AI is changing the way businesses make decisions. Aside from the smart technology you might be seeing and using today, there are plenty of new and creative technology innovations making waves daily. Everything from smart chatbots, software creation, customer support, and…

5 of the Top Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021

There has never been a more challenging, or more exciting time to be in Digital Marketing. This industry is going through a transformation at breakneck speed driven mostly by technological advancement, innovation and disruption. This transformation is creating copious opportunities for those who are able to keep up. However, coping up with this transformation while…

SearchAppNetwork – Online Advertising Trends You Need to Know Now

Tracking and measuring ad performance is more important than ever and a number of companies are helping advertisers with reporting, analytics and measurement. New York-based SearchAppNetwork helps adMarketplace and Bing provide metrics on mobile app ad performance. Mobile app publishers do not have traditional URLs, which makes standard methods of reporting, tracking, and analytics difficult….

ClickConfirmation and Global Ad Investment Trends and Forecasts for 2018

A new report from Juniper Research has found that advertisers will lose an estimated $19 billion in fraudulent activities next year, equivalent to $51 million per day. This figure, representing advertising on online and mobile devices, will continue to rise, reaching $44 billion by 2022. With billions of dollars up for grabs in the loss…