Clients on Demand – Is Russ Ruffino’s Coaching Right for You?
One of the greatest challenges for businesses of all sizes is not only attracting potential customers, but closing the deal on the right kinds of customers. This can be especially challenging for professional service providers. It is impossible to scale your time the same way you might scale production on a physical product. How can you find clients who are thrilled to work with you and are willing to pay what you are worth?
Helping you crack this puzzle is Clients on Demand. Whereas other client attraction strategies may be effective in growing your audience, what you really want is to grow your client base. And, by extension, grow your income. You need the right strategies and techniques for the job, and that’s where Clients on Demand can step in to teach you.
Finding the Right Clients
Perhaps you’re a professional coach or a business consultant. Maybe you’re an exceptional copywriter or a world class data analyst. In all cases, it doesn’t matter how great you are at what you do if you don’t have clients for whom you can do the work. And when you’ve only got the same 24 hours in the day as everyone else, you want to ensure that you are being fairly compensated for your time.
You want to work with clients who won’t haggle you over your rate, because they understand the value that you provide. In other words, you don’t want to waste your time with the “wrong” clients and you want to focus your time and energy on the “right” clients. Ideally, the perfect clients. This is at the core of what Clients on Demand strives to achieve for you.
Blogging and podcasting might work in elevating your presence in the marketplace. However, you still need to attract and close the deal on clients who will actually pay you. Clients on Demand zeroes in on marketing techniques that focus on the bottom line. They teach students how to scale their businesses “without endlessly grinding out content.” You get technical and “mindset” support to take the necessary action.
Russ Ruffino, Founder and CEO
Russ Ruffino created the Clients on Demand system in 2010. He wanted to show professionals how to gain access to quality leads (and sales) in an almost automated way. He understood then, as he understands now, that professionals need more leads, more cash flow, and more free time.
Over the years, Russ Ruffino and Clients on Demand have helped thousands of entrepreneurs sell millions of dollars worth of products and services.
It’s with that kind of passion and mindset that the Clients on Demand team has grown as well. From the executives to the coaches, the strategists to the client experience specialists, they’re motivated and driven by results. Business owners can appreciate that it’s not about vanity metrics. Rather, it’s about getting real, meaningful results.
Who Is Clients on Demand For?
The truth is that Clients on Demand isn’t for everyone and they acknowledge this on the About page. In order to benefit from Clients on Demand coaching and support, you have to be “coachable, decisive [and] resourceful.” What this also means is that you “must be dead serious about scaling your business to 6, and then 7-figures… while helping your clients win every step of the way.”
This contrasts with who may not benefit from Clients on Demand:
1 – The system won’t work if you’re looking to “get rich quick,” because it still takes hard work. They can help you make it “simple,” but it won’t be “easy.” You need to put in the work to realize the results you desire.
2 – Clients on Demand is focused on professionals who command (or want to command) premium prices. This is where each new client brings upwards of $10,000 through the door. You need to solve “a major life or business challenge.” If your service is a simple commodity, COD probably isn’t for you either.
3 – As much as it’s about increasing your bottom line, it’s really about delivering the best outcomes for your clients too. Clients on Demand expects that you are equally committed to and invested in the success of your own clients. And you’re willing to do the work to ensure that success for them.
To succeed with Clients on Demand, you need to be driven, ambitious, and dedicated. They won’t do the work for you, but they can help you learn how to work smarter.
Clients on Demand Reviews
Many entrepreneurs have seen their businesses flourish after working with Clients on Demand. To learn more about existing and previous entrepreneurs and business owners that have went through CoD, you can see plenty of examples through the Clients on Demand Reviews Hub.
- Monika Hoyt (Relationship Coach): “My cost per call booked has been between $15 and $35 for the past four months. 30 days ago I raised my price point to 9k and enrolled 4 beautiful clients since then.”
- Chris Strouthopoulos (Ascent Coaching): “Yesterday, I enrolled my first client at the premium price I finally believe I’m worth. When I launched my funnel in July, the first calls didn’t go well. Lots of money objections. I caved, ignoring COD’s advice, and dropped my price. The very next call enrolled, starting a string of enrollments. I was incredibly grateful to be serving folks, and I let myself accept the lower price. Only after these initial clients began experiencing massive results did I return to this question and let myself believe I was worth it. This is client #10, so I stuck my flag in the ground and declared it’s time to step up. I’m so glad I did. The very first client I offered my premium pricing to didn’t flinch. Paid in full with no objections. I danced. I am feeling incredible gratitude for the COD journey. You’ve helped me tap into my potential on a deeper level and serve people at a higher level than ever before. If you’re like me and resist charging what you’re worth, don’t indulge these thoughts. You’re worth it. Step into your power. I’m so thrilled I did.”
- Lauren N. Sellers and Wendy Nolan-Sellers (Trust the Vision Decor): “?Picked up a dream project for a new client’s home build on the beach which puts us on track to have our first 100k month! I’m claiming it! Woohoo!”
- Garric Vosloo (Functional Medicine Fast Track): “This is really in Prep for my mindset for 2021 because an enrollment a day or 7 a week is my goal broken down which results in our $4m+ for 2021 numbers. (BTW 2020 goals have already been achieved and taxes paid for our $2m+ goal. 2019 was $1m+ so it makes sense to keep doubling…lol. Why not!!!)”
- Ilana Golan (Growth Strategist): “This is a total of $74K in 43 days since finishing COD which is more than I’ve done on my program this entire year!”
You get the idea. Dare to dream big (and be prepared to work for it).
Start With the Free Training
To get more of a sense of what you can expect from Clients on Demand, watch their training video for free. The 40-minute video covers a “super simple 4-step funnel that takes prospects from ‘click’ to client in less than 48 hours.”
During the video, you’ll see how they’ve been very successful with Facebook advertising, for example; they earn $10 or more for every $1 spent. The video also talks about why blogging and other forms of content marketing are ineffective in attracting new clients. Instead, you’ll learn what you can do instead to generate momentum today.
As discussed above, a big component here is deciding on premium pricing for your services. Then, it’s about marketing to the right clients who will enthusiastically pay those rates. That’s how you scale your coaching or service business effectively.
Scale Your Business and See More Results
Finding clients can be hard. Finding the right clients, the ones who are willing to pay what you think your services are worth, can be even harder. With Clients on Demand, you’ll have the opportunity to learn strategies and techniques to grow your business with the client base you desire. You’ll need to work hard, and it won’t happen overnight. But, with the right system and the right support, you can potentially achieve extraordinary results too.